From time to time, an author may wish to withdraw a manuscript after submitting it.

The submitting author at the time of submission accepts that he/she should pay the article processing charges. Once EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS accepted an article for publication, article processing charges become due on the author. Changing one’s mind is an author’s prerogative. And an author is free to withdraw an article at no charge – as long as it is withdrawn within 7 days of its initial submission.

Journal performs all the process promptly and on time for which it has to pay the cost too and bear the expenses like payment to full-time reviewers and fellows. Refunds for service which have been delivered is not possible due to the nature of the service purchase.

☛ The refund is full & you will get your money back if the paper does not reach the reviewing stage.

☛ The refund is full & you will get your money back if the paper is not accepted.

☛ There are no refunds or cancellation of debts if the author withdraws his or her paper from consideration; or if he or she declines to revise and resubmit.

☛ There are no refunds or cancellation of debts, once the paper is published.

☛ There are no refunds or cancellation of debts if the paper is removed due to Copyright Infringement Claims.

☛ Refund will proceed through the online mode in 20-30 working days.

☛ Wrongly deposit money or extra deposit money will be returned back within 03 weeks if respective author informs us within 02 days after the date of money deposit.

☛ There are refunds or cancellation of debts strictly as per the following policy if the author withdraws his or her paper from consideration; or if he or she declines to revise and resubmit manuscript after two working days.

After completing final submission or after the publication, if an author wants to cancel the publication, fee once deposited will not be refunded as according to Terms and Conditions which author has accepted during author declaration form of the respective Publications. Already author has taken sufficient time to consider either to publish with us or not.

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