Time Management and Organization Survival of Eco Bank Plc in Asaba, Delta State
Journal Name: | Time Management and Organization Survival of Eco Bank Plc in Asaba, Delta State |
Abbr. Title: | Res J Hum Cul Stu |
ISSN: | 2945-4077 |
Frequency: | Bi-Monthly |
Language: | English |
Editor: | Professor A. Mukoro |
Publisher: | DELJOMS Journal |
Country of Origin: | Nigeria |
The study was conducted on the effect of corporate governance on entrepreneurial performance of listed conglomerates in Nigeria. Corporate governance was the independent variable, and it was proxied by board size and board composition while the dependent variable was entrepreneurial performance which was proxied by firm value. The population of the study comprised of listed conglomerates on the Nigerian stock and the period of study was between 2011 to 2020. The data was sourced from the financial statements of the firms and OLS regression was used to analyse the collected data. The result of the study showed that board size had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial performance, while board composition had no significant effect on entrepreneurial performance. The study therefore concluded that board size influences entrepreneurial performance. The study recommended that the management of the conglomerates should maintain the size of their boards just the way they are during the years considered for the study.
Faculty, Somaville University
Institutional email : mgeedi143@somaville.edu.so
Profile link: https://bit.ly/3EYagC2
Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University,Pune-ABRAKA
Institutional email : sucheta.kanchi@bharatividyapeeth.edu
Profile link: https://bit.ly/3iGH2NL
Department of Business Administration, Edo State University Uzairue, Edo State, Nigeria.
Institutional email : ebhote.oseremen@edouniversity.edu.ng
Profile link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Oseremen-Ebhote-2
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Doon Group of Institutions,Rishikesh Uttarakhand.ABRAKA
Institutional email : bisweswari.dioe@dooninstitute.in
Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=134/034
Permanent Faculty, West Visayas State University, College of Education ,Nigeria
Institutional email : johnerwin.pedroso@wvsu.edu.ph
Profile link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Oseremen-Ebhote-2