
Professor A. Mukoro

Professor, Department of Public Administration, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional email: akpomuviremukoro@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=134/034


Professor Ehiedu, Victor C. PhD

Professor, Department of Banking and Finance, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional email: ehieduvc@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Q5BlulkAAAAJ&hl=en1i

Professor Kifordu, A. A. PhD

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional email: aakifordu@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=S184/004

Professor Jeroh, E. PhD

Director, Examination Centre, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional email: jerohedirin@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=F4-ltnIAAAAJ&hl=en


Professor Dabor, L. E.

Department of Business Administration, Edo State University Uzairue, Edo State, Nigeria.


Profile link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Oseremen-Ebhote-2

Professor Okereka, P.O. PhD

Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Managment Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional email: opokereka@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=134/028

Professor Kifordu, A. A. PhD

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional email: aakifordu@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=S184/004

Professor (Mrs.) Onuorah A.C. PhD

Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Management Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Email: aconuorah@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=S182/022

Professor Odita, A. PhD

Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Managment Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional Email: oditaao@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=S182/002

Professor Osuji C.C. PhD

Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Managment Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional Email: ccosuji@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=S182/021

Professor Eromafuru E. PhD

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Email: Eromafuru@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=030/011

Erhijiapko A. PhD

Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Managment Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional Email: erhijakporaeo@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=S182/012

Ekakitie S. PhD

Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Managment Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional Email: esekakitie@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=S183/016

Odiri V.I. PhD

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Email: odirivi@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=130/031

Taruhror E PhD

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Managment Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional Email: metarurhor@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=129/033

Orishede F. PhD

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Managment Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Institutional Email: orishedef@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=S183/018

Osazevbaru H. PhD

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Email: osazevbaruho@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=129/002


Professor Oboreh, J. S.

Department of Business Administration, , Faculty of Managment Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Email: jsoboreh@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=130/003

Professor Damaki G.O.

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Managment Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Email: demakigo@delsu.edu.ng

Profile link: https://delsu.edu.ng/viewstaff.aspx?id=130/002

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